OOOH JAMANI Baby with TWO HEADS born after mum couldn't afford ultrasound to check for complications .

She has two heads, two necks and two spines but just one body - and doctors worry the baby girl may not survive more than a few days

Cover Asia Press
Miracle: The conjoined twin girls share a single body

A woman has given birth to a baby with two heads after she couldn't afford an ultrasound to check for any complications.

The baby girl has two heads, two necks and two spines but only one body, meaning most of the vital organs are shared.
She is fighting to stay alive in intensive care and doctors worry she may not make it.
Mum Urmila Sharma, 28, gave birth to the conjoined twins via C-section at Sonipat's Cygnus JK Hindu Hospital in Haryana, India, on Wednesday, according to reports.
Urmila and her husband Subhash, 32, were reportedly too poor to have an ultrasound during the pregnancy so didn't notice their babies hadn't completely separated.

Cover Asia Pressconjoined twins
Fighting: The baby girl is in intensive care

Dr Shikha Malik delivered the baby and told the Daily Mail: "The parents are very distressed and we are helping the family the best we can."
He added: "We only came to know she was carrying conjoined twins after an ultrasound two weeks ago but it was too late to do anything by then.
"Now the baby is born we will do our best to save her and we hope to operate once her condition is more stable."
It would not be possible to separate the twins because they share the same body.

Cover Asia Press
Shock: Urmila couldn't afford an ultrasound

Just last month parents-to-be Renee and Simon Howie were shocked when a scan revealed they were having just the one child.
They stunned Australian doctors after deciding to keep their unborn child - which a scan shows has two faces and two brains, but just one body.
Even after being urged not to keep the baby, the couple have pledged to give birth to the little girl, who is not expected to survive more than two days.
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