Jaguar Kenya


'Kipepeo' singer Jaguar has been making ripples in Kenya for his style and massive wealth.
From a guy who posts pictures of his jewelry, Euros and packs of Durex on his London trip, one would expect pride and arrogance from him but his humility surprises everyone every time. He stresses that humility and fearing God is the recipe for success.
On str8up Live and Loud show last saturday, He spoke about his humble beginnings. For him education was a struggle since he lost his mother when he was still very young.
A young jaguar used to walk all the way from Eastleigh to Kikuyu every day for school and when times got really hard, the matatu touts were gracious enough to let him ride for free;  All because they saw his determination to make it in life.
There were times when he even had to sleep in matatus that were not locked because he had nowhere to lay his head at night.
He was supported by various people to whom he is eternally grateful. This has inspired him to give back to the society, which included paying fees for the Otonglo boy, and uses his experience to support the less fortunate hoping that they will become great people. The singer also reminds us that when you give, it comes back two-fold.
As for his friendship with Mike Sonko, Jaguar says that their bond began way back when they were still working in the matatu business. Jaguar was cleaning cars while Sonko was operating matatus which was even before Sonko entered politics.
He is concerned about the lack of role models for the current generation. This is why he is grateful to have served as a role model to the youth having worked his way from the bottom to the top. ‘Kazi ni Kazi’ he advises, even if it is shoe shining, the youths need to be ready to work.
He stresses on saving. He says that even billionaires have to save, otherwise they will go broke. Hard work is important and he sets an example by waking up at 4 am every day. He would much rather sleep early to make sure he wakes up at the crack of dawn.
We have never known Jaguar to show up without money and this time was no different. In the spirit of encouraging the youth, Jaguar gave 1000 bob to everyone in the audience.
There you have it folks, success is achievable for everyone who puts their heart into it.
Watch the interview here
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