Top 10 Foods That Boost Your Energy Levels

energy levels
Chicken eggs – Photo: Piasoft
It should be no surprise to you that we are what we eat! Your food is your body’s energy source and the different food groups play vital roles in our survival. All foods have calories and kilojoules which are both converted into energy or stored as energy to be used when needed.
Carbohydrates are our main macro-nutrient that we get our energy from but our body also converts fats and proteins into energy if needed. For those days you are feeling a little sluggish or did not get a good night sleep, there are many foods that you can eat to help boost your energy levels throughout the day.

1 Eggs

Eggs are the purest form of protein so will help you build and maintain muscle, meaning exercise and metabolism will both improve their efficiency. Rich in B and D vitamins there is no reason to not have eggs as part of your diet. B vitamins convert food into energy so start your day the right way with some free range organic eggs.

2 Soybeans

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Soybeans at the Botanical Garden KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany – Photo: Llez, Wikimedia commons
Soybeans are another food rich in B vitamins, copper and phosphorous. Complex B vitamins are needed to break down carbohydrates into glucose to be used as fuel, they also help transport oxygen through your body which is another way to fight fatigue. When we are depleted of oxygen we can feel tired, so eating soybeans can get rid of these symptoms.

3 Wholegrain cereal.

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Shredded wheat cereal – Pete unseth
Wholegrain cereal is high in fibre and slowly releases glucose into the blood stream, giving you slow sustained energy. Instead of eating refined junk food that gives you instant surges of energy followed by sudden crashes; opting for complex carbohydrates stops high spikes in blood sugar that increases insulin production and can make you store fat. Eating wholegrain cereal can keep us sensitive to insulin and help maintain a healthy metabolism.

4 Nuts

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Fancy raw mixed nuts – Photo: Sage Ross
Nuts can give your body a good balance of healthy fats, protein and fiber. Nuts can suppress hunger due to their high protein content with the ability to reduce fatigue after exercise or a long day at work. Eating foods like nuts improve your energy levels by increasing your recovery rate‐therefore giving you more energy. Carbohydrates are your first source of nutrient for energy expenditure they are easily depleted so one should ensure regular consumption.

5 Quinoa

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Tri-Colour Quinoa – Photo: Alpha Flickr
Quinoa is a grain of rice that contains more protein than other strain, one could even consider it a complete protein due to its high number of muscle building amino acids. Being high in lysine, cysteine, methionine, manganese, phosphorous, folate and magnesium make it a formidable choice for any person’s diet. This rich source of nutrients helps balance your body’s energy levels thanks to high number of minerals and carbohydrates. Quinoa also supports your cardiovascular system and digestive tract!

6 Pumpkin Seeds

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Pumpkin seeds – Photo: Daniel Schwen
Pumpkin seeds or raw pepitas offer a very similar nutritional content to quinoa and one only needs to eat this in small doses to experience benefits of boosted energy. Many athletes blend up pumpkin seeds into their post workout shakes to support recuperation and keep energy levels from crashing.

7 Goji Berries

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Goji berry fruit on a tree – Photo: Loving Earth Chocolate, Flickr
Goji berries are not as well‐known across the globe as some of the other food items on this list. They have been consumed in China for thousands of years. Increasing energy levels by consuming goji berries is due to the fact they can increase blood flow, stimulating your brain activity, cells and muscle tissue. Increased blood flow oxygenates your body and reduces stress and even increases libido, two strong signs of improved energy levels.

8 Chocolate Milk

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Chocolate milk – Photo: cyclonebill
Chocolate milk is considered as junk food to many people but they could be wrong. Chocolate milk is made up of up to 80% water and provides your body with potassium and sodium or electrolytes. An electrolyte is a mineral that regulates the water in your body, muscle functioning and blood acidity levels. We lose electrolytes when we sweat from exercise so chocolate milk is a formidable way to replenish them and boost your energy levels.

9 Guarana

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Guarana – Photo: Evany Bastos, Flickr
Guarana is extracted from seeds of a Brazilian shrub and acts as a stimulant that is found in many energy drinks and supplements. The purest form is the guarana berry and contains almost twice as much caffeine as coffee beans. Caffeine boost alertness and fights fatigue but the guarana berry also contains theobromine that supports the central nervous system.

10 Bananas

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Bananas – Photo: Marlith
Bananas are only 100kcal each but have many nutritional benefits. They provide us with high fiber content, magnesium and potassium. Potassium and magnesium regulate proper brain function to help you stay focused and alert by keeping your blood flow in a steady state of oxygenation. Bananas also speed up digestion, so consume one of these instead of having a large meal that will leave you feeling lethargic.

