IPTL/PAP sponsors Zalendo Games

Zalendo 6
Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL), a subsidiary of Pan African Power Solutions (T) Limited (PAP) has made it possible for young Tanzanians to showcase their talents in playing unique rare games in Tanzania sports history.
Through its sponsorship to IPTL Zalendo Games, the company helped to bring together the Zalendo teams more specifically the Zalendo Bikers, Zalendo BMX, Zalendo Skaters (forming Tanzania Skate Miracle) and Race car drivers. The four teams had a very thrilling and exciting showcase for thousand of Dar es Salaam residents who attend the show staged at Leaders Club grounds in Dar es Salaam on Sunday the 26th of April 2015.
Audience were also thrilled by marvelous performance from Tanzania youthful music artists; Zuwena Mohamed (Shilole or Shishi Baby), Elias Barnaba (Barnaba Boy) and Grace Matata, who employed their talents in raising the spirits of audience.
Speaking during the event, IPTL/PAP Company Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel, Joseph Makandege, said the sponsorship was part of the company’s launched Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which will center in supporting three major sectors; Sports, Health and Education.
“In the first phase of our CSR program, as was approved by our Company Board of Directors under the stewardship of its Chairman, Mr. Harbinder Singh Sethi, sports is an area that we will and we have started to support. The main reason is because sports interlinks many sectors and can be used as a platform to reaching out to many youths who needs support. Sports make our bodies healthy, entertain, bring us together despite our differences and create employments for those who are actively involved in sports. Sports have many positive ripple effects in our lives,” Mr. Makandege said.
He mentioned that IPTL/PAP agreed to be the main sponsors of IPTL Zalendo games because of the kind of games that were to be showcased, as well as the theme of the event that aimed at instilling patriotism among Tanzania youths who were gathered to watch or participate in IPTL Zalendo Games.
“Many companies, institutions and individuals tend to shy away from supporting these games because they are not very popular in our country. Most people are into sponsoring soccer, but forgetting that we have many young Tanzanians with explicit talent in controlling speed motorbikes, race cars, playing with skaters, controlling BMX and such related games. If these talents are nurtured well by exposing them and giving them necessary support, these youths can compete in international games, hence bringing honor to our country. They can also get employed following excellent display of their talents,” added Mr. Makandege.      
The C.S elaborated that by sponsoring the event, his company was giving a chance to these youths to show what they can do and how best they can perform in their respective games, being a way of opening up channels and avenues for them to get exposed for available opportunities.
The launch of IPTL Zalendo Games was done on the same day when Tanzania was celebrating its 51 years after uniting the then Tanganyika and Zanzibar to create The United Republic of Tanzania. This is a special day for the country and hence the new generation (youths) should be reminded of the history and encouraged to be more patriotic for the benefit of their nation.
IPTL Zalendo games is aimed at rejuvenating spirit of sports and also encourage young people to pursue their talents and explore the options available for them in the sense that they have a broad horizon and have an inbound duty to see the limitlessness of possibilities. This event was first of its kind and will to be broadly implemented countrywide in Tanzania.

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