TANZANIA Education Authority (TEA) have
implemented a total of 1,571 projects worth 39bn/- through the Education
Fund between 2003 and last year, the authority board Chairperson, Dr
Naomi Katunzi, has said.
Dr Katunzi was briefing the Deputy
Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Ms Anne Kilango, who
visited the TEA offices to inspect the operations of the authority.
Dr Katunzi said that though the
operations of the authority are known by the public and its
stakeholders, hence the numerous number of funding requests that are
received. Last year 3,594 applications were submitted asking for
“The call to the public to contribute to
the education fund has not been well supported. There is a need for
change of mindsets so that we support the education sector rather than
weddings and other social gatherings,” she said.
Moreover, said Dr Katunzi, for 2014/15
the authority has set aside 49.34bn/- to support a number of projects
being taken jointly by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
and the Prime Minister’s Office, Regional Administration and Local
She outlined some of the projects as
construction of teachers houses for primary schools in remote areas;
school banking programmes, incentives for best performing schools,
capacity building and school desks.
Dr Katunzi told the Deputy Minister that TEA has also conducted Training of Trainers (TOT).
A total of 6,167 teachers have benefited
from the scheme and capacity building initiatives for about 18,000
teachers of Kiswahili, English and mathematics have been undertaken. I
n her remarks, Ms Anne Kilango, called
for accountability and team work to ensure that the goals that have been
set are met. “If we all choose to be accountable and deliver
diligently, then the education sector and the public will benefit from
your services,” she said.