Ukraine: Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov named interim president

Speaker Turchynov: "We must move towards a national government by Tuesday"
Parliament in Ukraine has named its speaker as interim president.
Oleksandr Turchynov takes charge following the dismissal of President Viktor Yanukovych on Saturday. Mr Turchynov told MPs they had until Tuesday to form a new unity government.
Parliament also voted to seize Mr Yanukovych's luxury estate near Kiev, which protesters entered on Saturday.
Meanwhile, freed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has said she has no interest in being prime minister again.
In response to reports that her name was being mentioned as a possible candidate, she issued a statement reading: "No-one has agreed or discussed this with me.
"Thank you for your respect but I would like you not to consider my nomination for the post of the head of government."
Independence Square, 23 February 2014
Kiev's central Independence Square remained occupied the morning after Saturday's rapid developments
After being freed from detention in the eastern city of Kharkiv on Saturday, she had urged opposition supporters in Independence Square to continue protesting.
Ms Tymoshenko's release was one of the conditions of the EU-Ukraine trade pact that President Yanukovych rejected last year - triggering the protests that led to the current crisis.

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