My view on the ANTI GAY BILL that the parliament wants the president to sign is I can't support the bill even if am not gay,neither do I want to be sexually approched by a man,nor my daughter or son if they were not born gay,to become gay coz I want them to enjoy their life the way they were born,BUT DID THE PARLIAMENT KNOW THAT SOME PIPO R BORN GAY?and DID THE PARLIAMENT KNOW THAT GAY ISSUES R ISSUES U CAN'T JUST TACKLE JUST LIKE THE HOLY QURAN AND BIBLE COMPARISON COZ EITHER SIDE CAN'T WIN?DOES THE PARLIAMENT KNOW WHAT POSITION THEY R PUTTING THE PRESIDENT AND UGANDA AS A WHOLE IN THE FACE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ?DID THE PARLIAMENT EXPLAIN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGE OF THIS BILL?And as us who r not gay have our rights,DON'T U THINK THOSE WHO R GAY IN UGANDA NOW HAVE THEIR SAME EQUAL RIGHTS AS HUMANS?And if your son become gay,WUD U WANT THEM TO BE TAKEN TO JAIL?In my view it's a one way ticket to international rejection ,most probably one way the opposition (fact being NRM has many MPs defecting n those who cant defect can go to plan b)of uganda has come up with to mess THE PRESIDENT coz if he signs it he's in an international dilemma or if does not sign it he's in a local dilemma.MR PRESIDENT AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC OF UGANDA,FOR NOW WE KUD BE STUBING OUR OWN BACK.I dint say am supportive of gaysm but neither do we have a right to condemn watching the space.MERRY XMAS TO U ALL GAY OR NOT GAY.
  • Salva Kavule Bebe, thx for taking time and express your views about the gay bill. However I'll tell you that science has not proven that homosexuality is biological otherwise if it was biological then we would call it abnormality. We all fall under the animal kingdom and trust me we don't have gay goats or lions cuz its just not natural. The holly quaran and Bible condemn such acts because they are evil acts and as a society its our responsibility to keep a clean culture. We should not concern ourselves with what the international community thinks or says because in Saudi Arabia or Iran homosexuality is punishable by execution but the western world doesn't say anything to them. Human beings need some type of control because we like going against what's normal. That's why seat belts are enforced so anti gay should be enforced, it like a deadly virus. White people sleep with dogs,and soon they will be calling it a human right to sleep with animals and guess what? If they embrace beastiality should we also embrace it? Let's not care about who thinks what but we have to keep a clean culture.
  • Mwebaze Bill Patrick Baby cool i respect u but for now stop that nonsense. its either u support them or not. we don't condemn people we condemn the act. people who practice terrorism are like any other people but what they do is wrong. No one is born gay. they adopt it. Stop it otherwise u r off track.
  • Hruodberht Muquire I think an artist like u should have never dared to put your position onto such a subject. N first of all if you have a publicist or a personal assistant you should fire them coz this is going to effect your music career to some extent that they didn't see coming. Bebe you should learn one thing "Give Cisor what belongs to Cisor, n give God what belongs to God" concentrate on your music n never get engaged with cheap politics by letting the whole nation know the side you belong too. You have just lost a certain percentage of your fans n won your self another percentage of fans but ask your self one question, 
    *Which fans out weigh the other?* n we both know the answer to that question.
  • Kayanja Smith Hotspur Bebe Cool-i hear,i av just read half way of your rubbish bt it was mere nonsense!!!,no doubt u av confirmed that u r just as silly as i always thought!!u r too stupid that u cn nt realise that u r risking yo public image!!u r nt a,learned person so there z nothing sensible u cn submit!!!that rubbish u r trashing out has been said by people who i consider idiots!!u views are just as irritating as the act of anal sex itself!!if u support them y dont u lyk being approached y them??i av tried being polite while commenting on your trash and this is wat suits you!!r u only trying to put yo reasonableness in question??if more sensible people than u(legislators) av passed the bill into a Act then wat's this rubbish u r writing??u even dont know the President's view on this!!we dont care about part of the sill int. comminity!!the president at one time recommended that we adopt from other countries wat is good for us and leave wat is nt good!!is Homosexuality good?????
  • Galikuwa Godfrey i knew ur gay can u deny it
  • Honest Suzan Borekwa Bebecool, Yo A Disgrace To Our Nation And To Man Kind... May You Die Apainful Death Mbwa Gwe..
  • Kui Kimani People are not born gay. PERIOD!!!
  • Kaahwa Walter For the first time i am disapointed with u bebe
  • Jimmie Kizito Kavulu I am a sympathizer of Bebe, but many times the words we say or write can bring us down or take us forward. On such controversial issues, Bebe Cool would loose nothing if he had kept quiet! ****KABA_KAMWAAKO*******
  • Musana Ronald Bebe cool, that is right, two questions; should we allow thieves, killers, nudists and others whose habits are considered by the larger community to be immoral continue uninterrupted because it is their right?, what if everyone became gay what would happen to humanity? Human rights are not absolute in some circumstances. The law may be poorly made but we need to control certain vices, and not evrything western is good for africa
  • Sepuya Paul Jabber Ssebo bebe whoever does support dat bill esp those mps njagala babasiyagile abana babwe. Balabe bwekiluma
  • Isaiah Wandiga what you said in Ccocodiocis? you got no time tooo play gay infact you rather be alone???????????????...... dont lie men you are gay.
  • Mariam Salim Hmmmm no one is born gay dont lie to the world. God destroyed generations coz of being gay., actually in Islam gay people are supposed to be killed not to spread the vice to others, so go revise ur holly books well.
  • Richard Obonyo For starters, I totally agree with Bebe Cool. Homosexuality is like heterosexuality, it is for only those that are in a relationship to decide. It is none of our business what goes on behind closed doors of two (or more) consenting adults. Further more, I see a good number of idiots on this post, just because someone stands up for gay rights doesn't make them gay, it only shows that they are kind considerate caring human beings. If I stood for animal rights, does that make me a dog. Or if i stood for the environment, does that make me a tree? Mubere mu class.
  • Desmond Dede Muku Tutu FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY. this is Uganda. as Ugandanz we are trying to fight evil and here comes a celebrity who waz paid to post nonsense. who said people are born Gay? these acts are learnt especially in schools. i thought you were intelligent and i was wrong. you have expressed what money can do human beings. how much were u paid????.
  • Jose Tiabayo Born Gay? I wld believe u if i had seen gay goats & other animals.
  • Angel Ndibulungi i had 2 like da post be4 reading it caz i know intelligence is ur middle name.Merry xmas 2 u 2.
  • Nkonge Shaphic It would be better to remain silent if you don't intend to utter sense. Mr. Bebe Cool you've disappointed me as your long time well wisher.
  • Khalil Kadingo gwe obyononye....oli wambwa nnyo
  • Stella Gloria Ndagire research has t that out o 1000000000pple only one person can b born gay f ts true anyway so stop hiding under being born gay n so if pple r born murderers shd that mean there shd b no law on murder? I think Bebe cool wants thoz western countries 2 give him money 2 decampaign d law against homos
  • Erema Rhema Jay Jimmy Let me educate you Bebe. No one is born gay. Do more research. Science has proven that. Secondly no one would wish their children, parents or relatives to in to jail for any crime committed so dont base your arguement on those grounds. One thing you have failed to recognize with gaysm is that its an attack to the institution of the Family. I dont think any man would sit back and relax or compromise if their family was being attacked. It may feel safe now but trust me when this virus gets to eat into your family, God forbid, then you will undertand how serious this issue is. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY. Not other countries.
    • Derek Williams I was born gay. Science has said PLENTY on the subject. Ugandans, you are being LIED to by your government and by your churches:

      American Psychological Association, which with over 173,000 members is the largest professional body of its kind in the world:
      The University of California: (not a mental disorder)

      There are over 41,000 denominations of monotheistic Christianity in the world today, with hundreds of new ones forming every month as tax dodges. There is fundamental and oppositional disagreement amongst these religions on many issues, like the biblical rightness or wrongness of women's ordination, divorce, and birth control, let alone homosexuality. Thus, there is no single Christian religion, nor any Christian spokesperson who can say authoritatively on behalf of all Christians exactly whether these are right or wrong.

      Each religion makes its own god. The Catholic God condemns birth control, women's ordination and divorce, yet the Anglican God was no problem with family planning or female clergy, and was founded by divorcee King Henry VIII. There is no rational way that these two disagreeing gods can be one and the same entity. Moreover, I can name dozens of Christian religions which teach that homosexuality is a God-given trait, and which welcome LGBT with open arms, hearts and minds as parishioners with full sacraments, including communion, ordination to the clergy, and perform same sex marriage.

      People generally shop for the designer religion that most closely fits their tastes, and their prejudices, so if your religion hates what you are, you don't need to tolerate them for a second longer.
      The following Christian religions welcome openly LGBT members to participate and receive sacraments:
      Calvary Chapel
      Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
      Reformed Church in America
      Oriental Orthodox
      Community of Christ
      Moravian Church
      National Baptist Convention*
      New Apostolic
      Unification Church
      United Methodist Church*

      The below also ordain, and bless same sex unions or marriage:
      Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)*
      Church of Scotland*
      Community of Christ
      Church of Denmark
      Evangelical Lutheran Church of America*
      German Lutheran & United Churches in Evangelical Church in Germany
      Metropolitan Community Church
      Church of Norway
      Protestant Church in the Netherlands
      Presbyterian Church (USA)*
      Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)
      Old Catholic
      Church of Sweden
      Swiss Reformed Churches in Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches*
      United Church of Canada
      United Church of Christ*
      Unity School of Christianity

    • Erema Rhema Jay Jimmy WOW. Great. 
      Ok having addressed all what the different religions believe and follow, What about the Bible? What does it state concerning the same subject because its what i follow not all the religions you have mentioned.
  • Pearl Ekkula #bebecool #SSali. Dont be fooled. NO ONE IN THIS WORLD IS BORN GAY. just to make it clear to you that NO ONE IN THIS WORLD IS BORN GAY. its just a habbit that is learnt just like you got inspired into singing and you become one. Just like no one is born a smoker or drinker, they are just learn. tomorrow when rappists come out and claim their a minority group are you gonna grant them their rights?? Get the right infor about these people. And and as a straight human ask yourself as to why the wester is pumping is so much to spread the vice and your industry is picking up pretty fast
  • Jeffer Ali Chama lemme hop u wrot this post unda the influence of weed o booze othawyz we already percievin u as GAY! 
    pse dnt let us baptize u wit the name "GAYGAY COOL"!
  • Rèba Bwormoi So many ignorant comments. When will you people start opening your closed minds?
  • Isaac Lulaba I want those who claim that a person can be born gay, to come out and prove it, but not to speculate and take other people for granted! There's what is called "the nature-nurture controversy" in Psychology = influence on human behaviour by genetically engineered traits, and circumstances that influence the brain to adopt certain tendencies - as learned behaviour, but which can't necessarily be justified! Besides, life is generated naturally and with purpose - #Bebe Cool, can you adduce the nature base of homosexuality, even just by the design of our bodies? No body should therefore demand for rights over disorientations from nature's purpose! Yes we know that such disoriented people exist, but we can not demand that they be treated as normal. They need help through counseling and other corrective measures, by the various stake holders. Wrong should never overpower right - noooo ..., at least not because some powerful people in the Western world think so. I am disappointed in you!
    • Kasim Waku If u just knew how ignorant u r then u wudn't mention da namd Holly Qur'an. What do u know about Qur'an and what rights does Qur'an say about gay that u know? If yo guy, then go by it but stop yo famility on this book coz u know nothing about it.
    • Hussein Ali Bebe Cool: People who oppose u i thot they are idiots but in actual sense ur the real idiot full of crup. No one is born gay!! Next time update sense.
    • Anna Fortune Katenta No one is "forced into homosexuality". It's simple minded theories like this that keep fueling the hateful rage against the LGBT community. Wake up and stop spreading your ignorance! If your neighbor is gay, will you lose your job? Your house? Etc?! Ugandans need to turn their attention to the MAJOR issues that continue to plague the nation, and stay OUT of each other's personal lives. Psh, you people are so wrapped up in what man is dating another man, but look at the condition of your hospitals and roads!
    • Afunah Dixy if you are wise, go back to those that paid to post such thinking that since u are our own we will welcome the cult. tell them we are not ready to welcome it and u can even return their money, apologise and keep your reputation afterall govt is soon paying you 380 u'll finish ur house no need to go for evil money. ela if u used any of it on building that house, believe it wont last long. stand up for culture not money...lets also hope none of such money bought the cement u gave towards the amasiro construction
    • Ninno Jack Jr. intelectually shallow and morally hollow, your just a disgrace.....#Period
    • Ollivia Katongole Thats ma Bebe Cool!!!
    • Zahara M Kitimbo If God didn't give them their rights n even went ahead to destroy them, who are we to give them rights? Do u think we are superior to God? 

      By the way, if gays are born gay then why would God destroy His own people he made so? 

      U really disappoint
    • Oliver Okhala idiffer with u nobody in ths world no1 is born gay or homo or lesbian its all abt morals thts why we need to protect by law ihv aneighbour she is close to m and shared her ordeal she used to hv abf until he disapointed her and the next she got also. slowly she started hated men turng to women whom she say understood its more of morals.when we tel our children tht its unlawfull thy cnt evn thnk abt it dont let westrn imported ideology corupt u.thy hv flings for opp sex bt thy are coruptd.
    • Wilde Browne And the fool says merry X mass,did jesus preach that sheet? Stupid.
    • Abigaba Tom May God forgive me for having read word from such a weak mind and may God punish anybody who is trying to propagate such an abominable evil (SODOM & GOMORRAH) into our blessed nation Uganda.
    • Erick Stano Otieno Be^2 Cool ..remember am not ugandan bur am ur great fan bur if u support dat stupid act ur a Goat n u need to be slaughtered for x_mass...
    • Allan Ssebunya just accept that u were bribed by int`l agencies to talk about it,but all in all,we shall #NOT support gaysm in ug
    • Tusiime Samuel Apuuli Bebe Cool, am a great fan of you and yo music but i prefer you stick to music coz this might force me to hate you and yo music. Ive just controlled myself to use harsh words coz i love yo music. But go and repent.
    • Kiconco Faith Bebe really?????
    • Elijah Male My learned friend Bebe Cool lets just assume that homosexuality is of biological/ genetic origin, or normal as you want us to take it because it's not until scientifically proven w/c homosexual promoters have not proved to us. Anyway does it make it right??? Ofcourse not for example, is stealing right just because a person wa born a kleptomaniac? Is cannibalism right, just because a person was born a cannibal? Undoubtedly, the Kleptomaniac/cannibal is sick and needs help. But stealing/ cannibalism, regardless of its cause, is never right. Thus, a person who is born gay (either because of genetic defect, hormonal problem, gender confusion, etc.) is at best abnormal or sick. That person may be suffering from a compulsive immoral tendency. But would the cause of that compulsive or uncontrollable homosexual lust or behavior make the tendency or behavior morally right? Ofcourse not. Adulterers, or pedophiles, or pornographers, will gain little sympathy from the claim that their genes made them do it. Why should the homosexual be considered in a different genetic light? No, however fascinating or apparently comforting it may be to explore how the patterns of genetic structure and social surroundings combine to create for each of us a moral context, we must nevertheless also recognize our responsibility to act obediently within that context. As moral agents we say yes or no to each potential sexual encounter. That's why Rapists are given a no in our society.
    • Moubiru Amaru Mildie oyo falla bebe yeyetaagira ddala okusiyaga nawulira oba kirungi..... U cnt say the president z gonna face intnl challenges coz ug. Z an independent country & has the power to make its decision to effect a change s if the president fail to sighn it wil show his puppetism to the white & wkneeses in making th countries laws effective....we need patriots not political puppets
      • John Kenedy Lukyamuzi yr really areal politician.In need see u joining ma party en stand in da coming elections ov 2016
      • DK Kanye people need to learn to appreciate divergent views.... Just coz Bebe Cool aired an opinion, look at all this attack on him. He may be wrong or right but thats his opinion and maturity and intellectualism demands that u accommodate his views and air out yours with respect and cordiality.
    • Sam Mayanja I am totally dissppointed & disagree with you Bebe cool. Before you attack Ugandan parliament....... how come in Australia country wth a british & american national majorities baned gay marriage in their country???? Stop yr nonsese ..... Homosexual is like terorist they copy the behaviours.... .. animals are clever than them.... coz they don't shafter their fellow animals anus...... Leaders have to protect the value of their societies..... ok you go to Dubai or any Arab countries & start writing yr nonsese....... Uganda is a sovereignity state wth its laws & constitution.
    • Honest Suzan Borekwa But I Think His Fans Mutegedde Nti Ekisajja Kyino Kilitegela NGa Kifudde....! Wabula Ono Ye Yasiliwala!! Kitalo!
    • Jennifer Johnson I am amazed that in this century all you ignorant people still cannot see that we are all equal and one in love and humanity. Try and be enlightened by bebe cool and at least try and understand and tolerate and eventually embrace differences in culture, religion and sexuality.
    • Divine Marley i always knew u were a butti bwoi. it was just a matter of time till u confessed
    • Ngobi Persis pple am christain and i strongly condenm the act of homosexuality or gayism bt is there no other way of helping those pple out of the act rather than isolating them coz some neva intended they just ended up into such due to various hardships ,mislead ,peer pressure, decieption etc SO HOW CAN WE HELP THEM OUT AS FELLOW UGANDANS NO NEED OF PULLING ROPES
      • Derek Williams Complete nonsense. Science has said PLENTY on the subject. Ugandans, you are being LIED to by your government and by your churches:

        American Psychological Association, which with over 173,000 members is the largest professional body of its kind in the world:
        The University of California: (not a mental disorder)

        There are over 41,000 denominations of monotheistic Christianity in the world today, with hundreds of new ones forming every month as tax dodges. There is fundamental and oppositional disagreement amongst these religions on many issues, like the biblical rightness or wrongness of women's ordination, divorce, and birth control, let alone homosexuality. Thus, there is no single Christian religion, nor any Christian spokesperson who can say authoritatively on behalf of all Christians exactly whether these are right or wrong.

        Each religion makes its own god. The Catholic God condemns birth control, women's ordination and divorce, yet the Anglican God was no problem with family planning or female clergy, and was founded by divorcee King Henry VIII. There is no rational way that these two disagreeing gods can be one and the same entity. Moreover, I can name dozens of Christian religions which teach that homosexuality is a God-given trait, and which welcome LGBT with open arms, hearts and minds as parishioners with full sacraments, including communion, ordination to the clergy, and perform same sex marriage.

        People generally shop for the designer religion that most closely fits their tastes, and their prejudices, so if your religion hates what you are, you don't need to tolerate them for a second longer.
        The following Christian religions welcome openly LGBT members to participate and receive sacraments:
        Calvary Chapel
        Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
        Reformed Church in America
        Oriental Orthodox
        Community of Christ
        Moravian Church
        National Baptist Convention*
        New Apostolic
        Unification Church
        United Methodist Church*

        The below also ordain, and bless same sex unions or marriage:
        Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)*
        Church of Scotland*
        Community of Christ
        Church of Denmark
        Evangelical Lutheran Church of America*
        German Lutheran & United Churches in Evangelical Church in Germany
        Metropolitan Community Church
        Church of Norway
        Protestant Church in the Netherlands
        Presbyterian Church (USA)*
        Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)
        Old Catholic
        Church of Sweden
        Swiss Reformed Churches in Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches*
        United Church of Canada
        United Church of Christ*
        Unity School of Christianity

      • Joseph Ndawula too bad dear thz animals hav no place in uganda
    • Namata Edith Musajja wattu! Oba your how? There are issues which conflict and if u do nat chose the side u support, bebe, we the public scrutinise and judge the side yo on by yo words... Careful brother, because we ain't condemnin' the gay people, its the act and if its contrally to the norms, rules, customs, traditions, morals, written laws of a given community, like uganda, b'se that wasnot an african moral, it was just imported or u may call it adopted NOT "in born", the sovereign state sets it laws independently n' bind its people with in. To hell with the international community, do u think when the black hero late Madiba nelson mandela rose up against apathied in south africa did nat ignore the white international community, and saved the country with önly determination, belief, braveness, confindence with out quekin' ab't the intern' comm' b'se he saw its hightime. but now c, he was and stil' honored by esp the international community with majority of whites he was up against. The bible u quoted it self condems gayism. It will bring about the end of human race and u, bebe, yo just there sayin' " human rights" gayism is nat a non derogable right, a community can do away with it... The Parlament is right mr. Bebe. Let uganda give it a shot to save our morals... Hellooooo, this is a soveign state, which decides the best for the p'ple. temugenda twönonekako nga tulaba ate tudde mu "i wish"... Prevention is beta than cure... Lastly, u have a name to keep among yo funs n' to be...
    • Masha Gerald money makes men go crazy, so all along this guy waz gay! sorry to his MALE fanz
    • Muyanda Brian Bebe lya bbi let it happen to ur sons and not ours in jesus name
      • DK Kanye If only being Gay had a sign on peoples foreheads or something...... Many of us would be shocked at how many of our friends and family members r gay. Then all that bigotry and hate we carry around would call for reality check. Truth be told.... This moral high horse we carry around on the presumption that we know what is right or wrong or that those that are ours in family and friendship cant be of deviant sexual conduct, would be thrown out of the window on the realization that that we thought was evil, abnormal, immoral, western, bewitched, sick, unnatural still dwells within our very own, and they r nothing but normal as the best as we were raised or we raised them and we didn't do wrong but that's who they r.
    • Pearl Kisakiyiika You've even spoilt my christmas. n next time read the bill well before misleading th public. life imprisonmnt is for people who comit gay related crimes like sodomizing children before that bill there was no law incriminating them. if u hv nothing wise to say u keep quiet.
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