Eat Strategically to Save the Earth

download (9)With an increase in population the food demand in the world has also increased. Due to the increased demand of food in the market many farmers now are tempted to use various fertilizers and other chemicals which can help the plants and animals to grow fast so that they can sale and earn lots of money. Some of the farmers are using these toxic pesticides and other chemicals without following instructions which in turn depletes soil fertility and endanger people’s health.
In some countries they have started to farm organically. By farming organically it means that they don’t use toxic pesticides or other toxic chemicals. This help to conserve the environment by limiting the amount of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. If we do this our environment can be safe and the food we eat can have less harmful chemicals which over a long time may harm our health.
Most of the foods and water we drink is polluted unless it is filtered and treated well. In many areas especially in rural areas people don’t even boil drinking water. It is very risk but the risk is doubled if we used other toxic substance in farming as well as fishing.
We need to protect our environment by changing what we eat and how we cultivate our foods. We need to renew our environment by strategically choosing what we eat, our world’s future depends on the actions we are doing now.
If you have to eat beef always choose the one which has been raised organically. All animals which have been grass-fed are safe to use and usually they have less fat than the ones which have been raised commercially. Most animals are given various chemicals in order to make them fat and grow hence you should try to avoid this. Eating meat from these cows for a prolonged time may expose you to various healthy risks and also pollutes the environment.
Other animal products such as milk should also be chosen with care because milk from pasture fed animals is free from antibiotics and hormones which tend to be present in animals which are kept in a convectional ways. If you eat or drink milk which has antibiotics and hormones they are likely to pass into your blood and later may cause you to develop various problems.
You can also lower your exposure level of pesticides while conserving the earth by opting to choose organic vegetables. There are so many studies which have been done and they have concluded that organic foods have more nutrients than the ones which have been cultivated by using chemicals such as fertilizers and other poisonous pesticides. Using safe vegetables may give you lots of advantages because you can even be confident to eat with peels and you benefits from obtaining high levels of vitamin C and potassium.
Fruits which have been produced with chemicals are tastier than those produced using chemicals and are environmentally friendly. Most fruits are contaminated with chemicals just like vegetables are. Overconsumption of these for a long time may lead to health problems in the future in both children and adults.
You are the ones to have control over your health and if you choose what you eat wisely you can have better health and you can protect the earth from additional gasses in the atmosphere. If you use processed foods always read food labels in order to know that they used organic foods during food processing.
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