Everybody has a few people clogging up their social networking sites with frequent updates, annoying pictures, and general stupidity. But there’s often guilt about offing these former friends. Feel bad no more! These are the people to ditch now.
Now, to be fair, you should probably consider your relationship with these people before you go deleting them from your electronic lifeIf you know any of these people below, it’s time to cut the cord. Hopefully they’ll know what they did.
The Addict
Always on their smartphones firing tweets about their current location what they’re doing, or other similar, un necessary stuff. It’s like someone tweeting about their work out blow by blow, who cares?
The Sharer:
The minute one of your followers mentions bowel movement, it is time to go. Period. Some people use Facebook to share what they are doing and how they’re feeling in a fun and interesting way. It is like running into them at a cocktail party and getting the quick rundown. If the results of the biopsy come back negative, please celebrate and share it with the world. But a constant stream of gross overshares won’t just make us flinch, it will make us click that little X next to your name.
The Nobody
Face it, everyone’s Facebook friend list is bloated. It includes people from high school you have not talked to in eons, people you you met once at a cocktail party and never talked to again, people who you have 90 mutual friends with but have never actually met in person. If you do not recognize someone’s name or face, let them go. It does not make you any less of a person that your numbers are dwindling. You are still important, people still know and like you, and it is going to be OK. Just take a deep breath. These tools are here to keep you connected, share information, and have fun
The Preacher/Activist:
These are not just the people who are constantly sharing Bible quotes with the world, it is any person who is constantly nagging other people to join their causes, political battles, and groups. It is bad enough when it’s something we already agree with. If someone is spreading crazy, Christian nonsense, creationist magic, or whatever wing political propaganda, un-follow, unfriend and block.
The Replyer
There is nothing more annoying than looking at someone’s Twitter page and every burst of characters starts with either an @ or an RT. This is especially true if the response has no context of what the original comment was about. If we do not follow that other person, we have no idea what the
Social media
reply is all about. They have something to say about every status update, every picture posted, and every event invitation confirmed. To the casual observer, he is your only or best friend (online) only because she is always there. He never has anything to say for himself, he’s just feeding and living off of what everyone else has to say. Come up with something of your own or go away.
The Fisher:
These are the people whose low self-esteem needs to be bolstered by other people wanting to know the details of their life. “I just feel like crying right now” or “You’re never going to believe what I just bought!” or “Can’t wait to tell everyone the big news.” People who say vague and leading things like that want someone else to say, “What?” or “Why?” or “How Come?” What they’re really saying is “Tell me I’m good enough to care about.” You probably are, but you don’t need a bunch of anonymous affirmations to tell you that.
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