Prayer is so simple that even the feeblest child can pray, yet it is at the same time the highest and holiest work to which man can rise. It is fellowship with the Unseen and Most Holy One. —Andrew Murray
I believe prayer is the greatest privilege of our lives. It’s not something we have to do; it’s something we get to do. It’s an important and intimate aspect of our love relationship with God because it’s the way we communicate with Him.
Prayer is also the way we partner with God to see His plans and purposes come to pass in our lives and in the lives of those we love. It’s the means by which we human beings on earth can actually enter into God’s awesome presence. It allows us to share our hearts with Him, listen for His voice, and know how to discover and enjoy all the great things He has for us.
Communicating with God is indeed the greatest privilege I can imagine, but this high and holy work is also the simplest privilege I know.
I do not think prayer was ever meant to be complicated and that, from the very beginning, God intended it to be an easy, natural way of life by which we stay connected with Him all day, every day.
Madame Jeanne Guyon wrote in Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ that “…God demands nothing extraordinary. On the contrary, He is very pleased by a simple childlike conduct. I would even put it this way: The highest spiritual attainments are really the ones that are the most easily reached. The things that are most important are the things that are the least difficult!”
When you pray today, realize what a privilege it is and use the opportunity to tell God how much you love Him.
Love God Today: Make a priority of exercising the greatest privilege of your life: prayer.
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