50 filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Earlier today Following a sex tape lawsuit _him_ That cost a pretty wide chunk of money. A jury Recently Awarded $ 5 million Lavonia Leviston They Determined After the hip-hop star has leaked sex tape of her and Reviews another man.
“Walt Disney HAS filed bankruptcy. Donald Trump filed bankruptcy HAS, “the hip-hop star continued to E! News. “It means clustering you’re Reorganizing your finances, purpose It Does stop things from moving forward That You do not want moving forward.”
“I gotta descent legal team,” he added. “You do not have to worry.”
Selon the bankruptcy legal docs therefore obtained by E! News 50 says His assets are valued entire $ 10 million and $ 50 million and his liabilities entire le sont également same range. 50 Aussi says the debts are debts Primarily consumer and lists His Estimated number of Creditors have entire 1 and 49.
50’s attorney William A. Brewer III Said in a statement Monday, “This filing for personal bankruptcy protection allowed Mr. Jackson continues to His involvement with various business interests and continues His work as an entertainer, while he pursues an orderly reorganization de son financial affairs . “