What you should know about baby teething

Baby eating vegetables. Contrary to some old myths, there are no universal signs of teething. Fever, runny nose and diarrhoea have been mistakenly linked to teething by more than one parent.
Baby eating vegetables. Contrary to some old myths, there are no universal signs of teething. Fever, runny nose and diarrhoea have been mistakenly linked to teething by more than one parent.

There is quite a lot parents look out in children as they grow up, and one of the baby’s first milestones during their first year of life is the appearance of the first tooth, yet baby teething can be a scary time for -parents.
Often babies can become irritable as they experience tooth development. Soothing a baby as he copes can be a challenging but manageable task.
The first tooth generally appears around the age of six months, although the general age range for the development of the first tooth is three months to as late as 14 months. Some children develop one tooth at a time, while others have teeth that come in pairs.
Dentists normally provide great tooth development charts, but not all children conform to this schedule of tooth development.
All dental professionals agree that a child should visit the dentist within six months following the eruption of his or her first tooth, or upon a baby’s first birthday.
That being said, if a child does not have a tooth by age of one, his or her parents can discuss tooth development in greater detail with the paediatrician or general dentist.
Contrary to some old myths, there are no universal signs of teething. Fever, runny nose and diarrhoea have been mistakenly linked to teething by more than one parent.
None of these symptoms have scientific evidence to support the claim. Symptoms of teething vary from child to child.
Some babies may feel no pain, while others exhibit pain and tenderness that linger for several weeks. This usually depends on the speed at which the tooth erupts.
A baby may exhibit one or more of the following signs during teething:
•Profuse drooling
•Swollen gum tissue with or without a visible lump
•Repeatedly rubbing his or her eyes, cheek or ears
•Refusing food or bottle when attempts are made to feed baby
•Inability to sleep or restlessness during usual nap time
•Consistent urge to chew on solid items
Fortunately, many methods exist for teething treatment and your dentist is in a better position to advise you on the best treatment.
However, there are teething soothers which include using a clean finger to apply pressure on the gums that transmit a feeling of relief for your baby.
Avoid giving your baby hard food to chew, as it may pose a choking hazard. A warm bath and gentle rocking may also help to calm and relax the child.
It is worth noting that caring for the child’s teeth is a joint effort between the parents and the dental care professionals.

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