Who’s going to be the next Twitter CEO?

There’s a growing field of possible candidates, from both inside and outside the company, who analysts believe might be able to help turn Twitter around.
What does it take to move Twitter out of Facebook’s shadow?
That’s one of the existential questions facing a growing list of possible candidates for the top job at Twitter. The list, debated among industry insiders and analysts alike, includes those who work inside the struggling social network and outsiders who have run other tech companies or are maybe masterful enough to give Twitter a much-needed jolt. Analysts believe executive search firm Spencer Stuart will find Twitter’s next CEO by Labor Day, or at most past Thanksgiving.
The chosen one will succeed interim CEO Jack Dorsey, a co-founder of the company who’s also the chief of Square, a mobile-payments company he founded after leaving Twitter.
Twitter’s next leader will walk in the doors of a struggling social media giant that needs to find its appeal beyond the hip, geeky and self-absorbed users who have come to typify the service. Though the number of people who log in to the service each month tops 302 million, Twitter is a fraction of the size of Facebook, which counted more than 1.4 billion users as of March.
The new CEO has to be a cultural fit at Twitter as well as a passionate and ferocious user of the product, said SunTrust analyst Robert Peck.
“Wall Street wants to see someone who has products in the pipeline and is fully committed to doing the job,” he said.
But the new chief also has to keep investors happy, said JMP Securities analyst Ron Josey.
“The debate is whether Twitter is looking for a product-focused CEO or a revenue-focused CEO,” he said. “Product or revenue? Those are the discussions going on with the board as we speak.”
On the debate list:

Jack Dorsey:Twitter chairman and interim CEO
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Mike McCue:CEO and co-founder of Flipboard

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Ross Levinsohn:Chairman of male enthusiast sports site Scout.com, former interim CEO of Yahoo and former president of Fox Interactive

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Neal Mohan:Vice president of display advertising products at Google

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Chris Cox:Chief product officer at Facebook

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Adam Bain:Head of global revenue at Twitter

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