VIDEO – Obama and Biden Jogging at The White House

obSorry Congress, you’re going to have to wait on that bill. Obama’s got some moving to do.
In a recent video uploaded to the Let’s Move campaign’s YouTube channel, we’re given a glimpse of how the President and Vice President get their blood pumping.
Apparently, they go on a sprightly jog around the White House, followed by a glass of water, once a week. Their wives, though, would probably be happier if these two actually broke a sweat.
The Let’s Move campaign is an initiative led by First Lady Michelle Obama that encourages kids to eat right and exercise. And what kid wouldn’t want to go for a jog after this energetic advertisement?
A clip of the run premiered on Thursday’s episode of The Tonight Show. During the episode, the FLOTUS promised that if enough people tweeted images of them moving using the #LetsMove hashtag, she would release the video.
That was great and all, but what we’re really all stoked about is the House of Cards version when Frank Underwood goes for a run in the White House and someone doesn’t come back.

