Top 8 Kenyan Celebrity Fashion Disasters


Epic Fail! Top 8 Kenyan Celebrity Fashion Disasters (Photos)

When you are in the entertainment industry, your image is everything and a great fashion sense is a must. But you shouldn’t be caught out in ‘kawaida’ clothes in case you are confused for a commoner, make your clothes are distinctive and exquisite, something that will make you stand out from the pack.
When it comes to making fashion statements in the world, Lady Gaga takes the cake for having the most eccentric clothes, from wearing meat to wearing a bear to wearing antlers and lobsters; Lady Gaga has done it all.
While we have not seen any superstar walk around like something that escaped from the Kenya Meat Commission, we have seen some celebrities go out of their comfort zones and try something new and unconventional. Unfortunately even the most carefully planned fashion statements can be an epic flop and a source for hilarity. Here are the biggest celebrity fashion fails so far:
Dennis Oliech
He got to the number one spot uncontested thanks to his heels and that ridiculous, ludicrous skirt he wore at blankets and wine.
While I will give a 10 /10 to Oliech for jumping out of the comfort zone and trying something unusual, I give him a 1/10 for plunging into the world of epic fashion fails
Ian Mugoya
I never expected him to be in this list but even the most stylish people have a bad fashion day and Ian Mugoya’s was his Kanye West skirt.
Here is the thing if Kanye wears a skirt he can hack it because he is Kanye, same reason Gaga can walk around in meat and people will call it ‘ the most iconic VMA fashion moment ever’ . You on the other hand just looks like a lost man in a skirt
Brenda Wairimu
Another one I did not expect to be in this list. Her blonde weave/wig at the African Magic Award nominee’s party was ill advised and so was the dress.
It looked like a dog ran after you and tore part of your dress and the pieces you salvaged are what you are wearing .Brenda is a lovely girl she does not need to go bat-shit crazy with the fashion, it’s like lighting a candle hen covering it with a basket.
Avril and her  torn stockings
Torn stockings are bad, torn fishnet stockings are worse and should just disappear in a Fashion apocalypse.
Not even someone as pretty as Avril could not pull this off this, sadly
Muthoni Drummer Queen’s half-shaved head
Absolutely horrible. Muthoni while we appreciate the fact that you are  a breath of fresh air to the music scene, that hairstyle…
Betty Bayo
One of the most talented voices in Kenya, this outfit however was a let down
Risper faith
When you are as endowed as lady Risper,the last thing you should do id wear something as short as this.
When you bend over or sit your Fundamentals will be exposed to all and sundry and we don’t want that do we?
Huddah Monroe in this outfit
The outfit speaks for itself!

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