TAHA, TAPP agrees to engage other public and private partners in efforts to upscale technologies for better access

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Executive Director for TAHA, Jacqueline Mkindi.(Photo by Library).
TANZANIA Horticultural Association (TAHA) and the USAID funded Tanzania Agriculture Productivity Programe (TAPP) have agreed in principal to engage other public and private partners in efforts to up-scale technologies for better access and use by actors within and outside the value chains using various platforms and or mechanisms.
According to the Executive Director for TAHA, Jacqueline Mkindi, said “I wish to inform you of this exciting initiative expecting to deliver tangible impact to horticultural communities in Tanzania, and also, to let you know that, in the process, we shall be directly engaging with government research and training institutions such as Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Uyole Research Institution in Mbeya, Horticulture Research and Training Institution (HORTI-Tengeru), and Kizimbani Research Center in Zanzibar in establishing the PTCs.”
Ms. Mkindi said that the objectives of this initiative are also in line with the MAFC-TAHA infrastructure development project aiming at establishing farmer service centers in Morogoro, Njombe, Dar es Salaam and Coast regions.
She noted that establishment of Practical Training Centers (PTCs) where innovative technologies will be packaged and demonstrated which has been identified as one of the most viable vehicles to; provide an opportunity to farmers and other stakeholders to practically learn of the innovations around production and handling of perishables.
Others are to create a window for input dealers to showcase their quality products, while at the same time allowing farmers chance to participate in the selection of best input varieties, and enhancing their knowledge and understanding of available technologies for improved production and productivity; and Ensure sustainability in providing practical technical capacity services to industry stakeholders.
TAHA and the TAPP are prime partners in supporting horticultural value chains in Tanzania. The two partners are actively involved in capacity building of value chain actors thereby introducing innovative and affordable technologies for improved production and productivity along with increasing market access of horticulture products from rural farmers.
TAHA is an apex private sector member based organization and has participated effectively in transforming the Tanzania horticulture since its establishment in year 2004. The association is currently the fastest growing farmer organization in the region which catalyzes actions and commitment in support of the industry development and inclusive growth.
As a result of TAHA interventions, the horticultural industry has attracted enormous support from a number of partners including the government of Tanzania and the Development Partners such as USAID, BEST-AC, the Royal Netherlands Embassy, ITC, and Finnish Government.
As a business oriented organization, TAHA offers an industry mouth piece, a voicing platforms safeguarding and promoting the interests of all the value chain actors in the horticultural industry namely producers, exporters, processors, and service providers of flowers, fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs and horticultural seeds.
TAPP is a USAID funded five year programe implemented by Fintrac Inc. in conjunction with TAHA. It is designed to increase smallholder farmers’ incomes through enhanced productivity, crop diversification and improved market access.

